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Eco Tiny House

Poor Society

This is a tiny, inexpensive, earthquake resistant house project / concept / program aimed for poor society or homeless. This house only has one room with 2 bunk beds each with storages and a washing table or dish, while sanitation is in a centralized communal facility. This house is still quite decent filled by five people. For the core structure using bamboo, where bamboo is an environmentally friendly material such as easy to plant and easy maintenance, growth is very fast, earthquake resistant, cheap, elastic and easy to shape. In an effort to reduce plastic waste for the wall material using used plastic bottles which are arranged vertically that filled with mineral water with intention of can strengthen sunlight so that the room more lighten and can also absorb the room's hot air and even from fire. For the additional earthquake absorbers use eco-brick from plastic bottles arranged horizontally at the bottom of the house.


Eco Tiny House


Asia & Africa


January 2019

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